About the Artist

Colorado-based oil painter Anna Rose Bain brings her world and surroundings into her paintings, giving you an intimate glimpse into everyday life while focusing on the universal concepts of the good, the true, and the beautiful.  She loves sharing her process in a way that is approachable, and just challenging enough to keep both beginning and advanced students excited and engaged.

When I was first asked, “Do you teach?” I was in my early twenties. I hadn’t yet found my own voice as an artist, and it felt almost fraudulent to begin informing someone else’s artistic journey when I still had so much to learn. But to my great surprise, I discovered that teaching could help me grow by leaps and bounds, while providing a way for me to help others achieve their goals. I taught private lessons and in-person workshops for several years, even after starting a family. I worked hard to continue painting for galleries, commissioned clients, and national exhibitions. And, I was dabbling in video for social media, as well as just a couple of instructional videos here and there, but none of it was very serious. Then, the Covid-19 pandemic hit, and everything screeched to a halt. I knew I had to find a way to continue painting and sharing my passion with others. Even though I had a young daughter and a [very busy] toddler son at the time, I discovered that making art videos was a great way for me to continue in my profession, and not feel so alone. I’ve now had the opportunity to document and share hours and hours of my experiences in and out of the studio, letting students watch both my successes and my failures so that they can feel empowered to try something new and exciting in their own work. Whether you’ve been following me on this journey since 2020, or just now stumbled upon me, I hope you can find something beneficial from my teaching style to help propel you forward in your work. It turns out, there are lots of us on this journey towards excellence in art making, and it is my greatest honor to be a part of yours.

Anna Bain
