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Subscriptions are available in different formats, including monthly and annually. With Monthly Membership Plus, you also get a monthly email critique!
Monthly Membership Plus includes all course materials on my site, AND an email critique of your work once a month, with up to two additional follow-up emails. A great opportunity to have your work regularly reviewed by a professional artist!
$55 / month
With an annual membership, you save 22% off the monthly membership, and you get access to all of the course content on this site, plus two FREE email critiques per year.
Email critiques are available with a Monthly Membership Plus, and Annual Membership. Email Anna a high res photo of your artwork, along with any reference material you are using, and Anna will take a look and respond with a detailed email critique.
Of course! The same principles of drawing, value, color, composition, and edges all apply regardless of your medium. While my technical instruction is all about oil painting, there are still a lot of things you can learn from these videos, even if you only use acrylics or water soluble oils.
My materials are just that - recommendations. If you have brushes or paints that you prefer, then use them! My own palette of colors is tried and true, and I'll show you how to mix them, but I often diverge from it even in my videos. Painting is play, and it's okay to use lots of different brands, materials, and techniques!
You can purchase each course separately, but the benefit of a subscription is that you get access to EVERYTHING! A one month membership is still a better value than buying a video individually.
My videos are not available for download. As long as you have internet access, you can watch them on this course site, and they'll be available for the duration of your membership.